I wanted to get that out of the way, that our political system disgusts me. Now I'm not accountable for what I say. Just kidding.
So the other week, I read an article about Sarah Palin and her reputation after her impersonation by Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live. Personally, I missed it but I heard it was funny on Fox News so it must have been gut-bustingly hilarious. I swear, they'll start a jihad on anyone who bashes a conservative even in the slightest, so when they said it was good, Tina Fey must have felt an air of accomplishment.
Tina Fey really emphasized Palin's pension for identifying with working-class people, aka hockey-moms and Joe Six-Packs, and her annoying little Wisconsin-esque-Fargo-inspiring housewife accent and sayings.
But what this article said was that Palin's reputation may be in jeopardy after the impression. And there are two possible outcomes of this:
- Tina Fey is a comic genius and master impersonator of CIA level skills and should win something good like a dump truck filled with gold bricks or a unicorn or something.
- It actually turns out that Sarah Palin's reputation/credibility was always in jeopardy.
The article cites Gerald Ford as a classic example of pop culture determining political culture. Ford was, during his time, known as an athlete and an intellectual. But because of Chevy Chase's impression on SNL, he is forever known as an uncoordinated fool.
So Ford and Palin both were made fun of on SNL. The difference was that Ford's reputation was never really harmed because of it. That's probably because he already had some kind of integrity or credibility. I mean he was only really president for two years after Nixon resigned and he won his party's nomination for the next election. And he lost to Jimmy Carter by a small margin. One thing to note about Ford in terms of his reputation and his credibility was his pardoning of Nixon. He had a solid, albeit short-lived, presidency and no amount of mockery can take that away.
If Palin or her advocates are worried that an SNL skit will ruin the Republican ticket, refer back to the two possible outcomes mentioned earlier.
If anything, this article really highlights the insecurities of the Republican party which can be added to the parties allegations that Barak Obama is a terrorist. It's kind of pathetic if you think about it. It's just really poor and obvious defensive PR.
On another completely different note, the article also says that political culture takes it's cues from popular culture. And if that's true, then God help us all. Soon we'll be taking political cues from Laguna Beach whores and Real World douchebags.
Here's the link:
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