After watcing Ferris Beuller's Day Off, I have some thoughts to share on the movie. Here are my three reasons for loving the movie:
3. The Cast
Jeffery Jones as Rooney, in particular, stands out. His subtle eye movements and gestures go along way and his ridiculous yelling (GRACE! For example) is hilarious.
Alan Ruck also has a brilliant performance as troubled teen, Cameron. I think the amazing thing is that he was nearly 30 when he played the role. But he nailed it. My favorite scenes in the movie are the art museum and pool sequence where Ruck really shines.
2. The Music
Two words: Oh Yeah. If heard in any other situation, Yello's "Oh Yeah" would sound stupid and out of place. But it somehow fits in perfectly on the soundtrack. Other tracks that stand out are the art museum piece, the
Ferris - Running - Through - Backyards - To - Get - Home - Before - His - Parents - Get - Home Song, and of course the "Danke Schoen" musical number.
1. The Complete and Total Destruction of the Fourth Wall.
For those unaware, the fourth wall is you, the audience. Whenever Ferris speaks into the camera, he is addressing you or whoever is watching. It makes it personal because he's not just talking to you but sharing the experience with you. Most notably is at the end, when Jean saves Ferris from Rooney. He is so surprised that his sister is helping him out that he just turns and looks at the audience. Suddenly, the audience isn't just someone that he gives information or some stupid life lesson to. We are with him in that moment. By having Ferris look at us, he is letting us into his world. And if you completely invest yourself in movies, like I do, it's a great feeling. Especially if you aren't in high school anymore. It's a reminder that there was a point in your life when the worst thing that could happen to you was being caught skipping school. It's comforting and exciting and nostalgic.
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