10 December 2007

Why It Sucks to be a Teacher

I like school a lot but few share my feelings. That's okay, they can feel how ever they want about the subject. But one thing that irritates me is that students generally hate their teachers. And they expect everyone to follow along. If a class demands more than what they are willing to shell out, these students automatically assume the teacher's an asshole or they're out to get them or some other retarded fantasy.

Sometimes, hating a teacher can be a good ice-breaker when you first start a class and don't know anyone. That's okay, so long as the hatred is only used as an ice-breaker and no real feelings of malice exist. But after the first couple weeks the, "Man, Mr. Teacher is so lame! What does he expect? I mean this is only a Gen-Ed," conversations should stop entirely. We should be adults and I can't stress should enough because from what I've seen around campus, I'd swear I was dropped off at a playground.

Maybe people just don't know how to form friendships where the basis isn't mutual hatred. Maybe they are still in "high school mode" where a collective disdain for another group of people is really the only glue that holds them together.

Well I don't disdain teachers. I dain them.

And God help you if you like the class and/or teacher. Those people are even more hated than the teacher! It goes beyond being a teacher's pet, which can be pretty annoying. They feel like you betray them, the other students. You commit high treason when you "take the teacher's side". If you don't take up arms to an eight page paper, you are fighting for the wrong cause. It makes me sick.

These people are here to be educated and they want everything but that. I think people forget why they are in college sometimes. It pisses me off because I genuinely like class and being educated and all those sour fucks ruin it for me because I can't be myself around them in fear of being burned at the proverbial stake.

So it sucks to be a teacher because odds are, your students will hate you and for no good reason other than it being the trendy thing to do.

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