16 July 2007

Internshit and Actors Welcome

If there is one thing that I can pull from my internship it's that work can never always be fun. And by work, I mean work at a career, not at some stupid summer job or an hourly gig. I mean like what you want to do when you "grow up" or whatever. Luckily, it's worse when you just start out but sadly, that's where I am right now. Mind-numbing is the only word to describe the work I did today. Absolutely mind-fucking-numbing. I had to log footage from interviews for a Towson University promotional video. That was a complete fuck.

But it was actually kind of funny. The people they interviewed didn't know what to say. They couldn't make the school look good. They talked a lot without saying anything. Oddly enough, one of them was a political science major and I think that skill will definately come in handy for him at some point.

Anyway, so they are just going on and on with countless "um's" and "uh's" that I actually have to type. But the best part came at the end where the interviewers asked them to do a little plug in about the school's tour. They basically asked them to act which I think was asking too much of them. They asked the interviewees to be energetic and spontaeous and to "just have fun". Well the only fun to be had was at thier expense with all of the nonsense that spew out of thier mouths.

The first guy just started screaming. But he was a political science major so he didn't want to pull a Howard Dean and so he threw in some big words with the screaming to off-set the ridiculousness. He said, "OH MY GOD IT'S AWESOME! IT'S....STUPENDOUS!!!!"


He continued by saying if we don't go on the tour, a part of him will die.


The next guy was pretty calm but he just went off on one of the wilder tangents I've heard. He starts talking about Stephan's Hall:
"Oh man, Stephan's hall is like...so old! Oh my God, it's crazy how old it is. And then you go over to the other side of campus on the other side and it's like the 70s and you're like, "Wow, did I just step into a time warp or something?" you know. It's awesome".

I don't think I need to comment.

They were just saying the stupidest shit. I almost thought it was better than the internet but I didn't want to get ahead of myself. I wanted them to completely go off the deep end and say like, "If you don't go on the tour then your mom will get AIDS and your dog will be raped by a homeless man!" That's the sort of incentive our youth needs to get them motivated! I just hope that they say in the beginning "Not an actor" when they're picture pops up in the video. Although, I don't think that will be necessary.

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